Receiving Abundance In God’s LOVE


Receiving abundance in God’s love involves opening yourself to divine grace, blessings, and the unconditional love that God offers. It is about trusting in divine provision and believing that God has wonderful plans for your life. This session may help you to open your heart to receive your abundance in every area of your life, to fill you with peace, joy, and love, and to receive divine guidance on using God’s blessings to serve others.

1. consultation

Starting with consultation to understand your specific needs, concerns, and goals for the session. This may involve discussing physical, emotional, or spiritual issues that you are  experiencing.

Based on the information gathered during the consultation, Freena can tailor her approach and techniques to best address your needs. And she may give you an insight on your issues. 

2. Guided meditation to meet money spirit + Holy fire Reiki

Often, your relationship with money reflects your relationship with your inner self. Healing your inner child can help you create a deeper relationship with money. 

Freena can guide you to meet and communicate with the spirit of money and helps you safely release the fears and anxieties related to money in your subconscious.

Additionally, Holy Fire Reiki techniques can be used to clear blockages in the energy field by focusing on the root chakra which is associated with financial stability.

3. Cacao ceremony to open your heart

A cacao ceremony is a heart-centered practice aimed at connecting you with your inner Highest-Self. This practice has its roots in ancient Mayan and Aztec traditions, where cacao was considered a divine food with powerful spiritual and healing properties.

Opening your heart chakra to radiate your love and gratitude before money blessings ritual.

4. money blessings ritual

This money ritual is a symbol of respect for money and involves clearing deep-rooted beliefs and blocked energies related to wealth at both individual and collective subconscious levels.

This practice involves feeling the connection between your financial actions and well-beings of others in the world, visualizing yourself living in financial abundance, paying your bills with joy, and receiving money with gratitude.

5. open your channel to receive abundance in god's love

It’s time to Let go and Let God !

After visualization your dream life, let go of all the intention and receive God’s Love trusting that God’s provision and much better plan for you than your expectation.

– Eyes of God (Eye gazing)

– God’s waterfall of Love (Silence sitting & Downloading God’s frequency)

– God’s blessings (Hands on blessings & Aura field protection)


After a healing session, it’s important to reflect on any insights, realizations, or emotions that emerged, such as new understandings of yourself, behavioral patterns, or unresolved emotions. Consider any changes or shifts in physical sensations, emotional states, thought patterns, or an increased sense of clarity and peace that occurred during or after the session. Reflection allows for deeper integration of the healing experience and supports ongoing personal growth and healing.

7. Abundance mindset coaching at 5 star hotel bar

( Optional / A cup of tea included / Extra IDR )   

Having a cup of tea at a 5-star hotel is more than just a luxurious treat; it’s a powerful act of self-affirmation and a practical demonstration of allowing abundance into your life. It symbolizes self-worth, opens your mind to greater possibilities, and provides a tangible experience of luxury that can help reprogram limiting beliefs about abundance. By intentionally embracing and enjoying such moments, you align yourself more closely with the flow of abundance in the universe.