Empower your manifestaton

Empowering your manifestation

Imagine your mind and spirit as a cup filled with dirt. To gain clarity in your life, simply pouring clean water into this cup takes time and may not be very effective. Instead, a faster approach is to stir the cup, remove the chunks of dirt, and then pour in the clean water.

Suppressed emotions often settle as long-lasting blockages in the lower chakras, which can impede the flow of life-force energy, or Prana. Therefore, the first step is to clear these blockages. Once the emotional and energetic obstacles are addressed, reconnecting to your Highest Self and restoring the flow of Prana becomes much easier and more effective. 

When Prana flows harmoniously within you, it empowers your manifestations by aligning your energy with your goals. As your energy becomes balanced and vibrant, your ability to attract and achieve your desires strengthens, making your manifestations more powerful and effective.

1. Holistic energy healing & Meditaton

Removing Blockages on lower chakras

1) consultation

Starting with consultation to understand your specific needs, concerns, and goals for the session. This may involve discussing physical, emotional, or spiritual issues that you are  experiencing.

Based on the information gathered during the consultation, Freena can tailor her approach and techniques to best address your needs. And she may give you an insight on your issues. 

2) Inner child work / Money healing / ho'oponopono

Unresolved issues or traumas from childhood can continue to affect us into adulthood, influencing our manifestation power. Often, your relationship with money reflects your relationship with your inner self. Healing your inner child can help you create a deeper relationship with money. 

Freena can guide you to meet and communicate with your inner child and the spirit of money and help you safely release the fears and anxieties related to money in your subconscious.


Holistic Energy Healing, combining Holy-Fire Reiki, Crystal Healing, Aura Field Massage techniques may be used to clear blockages on especially lower chakras which are associated with safety, stability, creativity and inner power.

Balancing these lower chakras (the root, sacred and solar plexus chakras) is crucial for a strong foundation in your energy system.


Opening up Higher Chakras & Reconnecting to Highest-Self

1) Cacao ceremony & setting up intention

A cacao ceremony is a heart-centered practice aimed at connecting you with your inner Highest-Self. This practice has its roots in ancient Mayan and Aztec traditions, where cacao was considered a divine food with powerful spiritual and healing properties.

Setting intention to open your heart chakra to radiate your love and gratitude and visualizing your dream life. 

2) meditation in god's love

After clearing blockages in your system and visualizing your dream life, it’s time to download God’s Love Frequency. It’s kind of like transmission but it’s not. Freena will help you to open your own channel to receive God’s Love directly. She connects to God and downloads God’s frequency. Once you enter her energy field, you also can connect to God directly to empower your manifestation.

– Eyes of God (Eye gazing)

– God’s waterfall of Love (Silence sitting & Downloading God’s frequency)

– God’s blessings (Hands on blessings & Aura field protection)

3) Balancing chakras with mantras

Chakra balancing with Mantras can be very powerful. Mantras are sacred sounds or phrases that can help align and activate the energy centers in your body. Each chakra is associated with specific mantras that resonate with its unique energy. 

3. Manifestation Ceremony

integration with Dance & mother earth purification

1) Celebration with Dance

It’s time to Let God and dance! 

Celebrating your manifestation through dance as if it has already happened is a powerful way to align your energy and emotions with your desires. This practice helps to reinforce your intention and bring your goals into your present reality.

Let’s be open to receiving your desires in unexpected ways and trust that the universe may deliver your goals in forms you might not have anticipated at the right time in the right place.

2) Sacred ritual in the power voltex

Campuhan River is the meeting point of the two rivers, which considered as a source of spiritual cleansing and renewal, helping to wash away negative energies and impurities. Purifying and balancing your masculine and feminine energy at this sacred power voltex can be deeply transformative. 

Freena, as a shaman, who is deeply connected to Mother Earth, will guide you holy water purification ceremony, combining with Balinese ritual.