Awaken Goddess within you


Awakening the goddess within you aims at reconnecting with your inner divine feminine energy and embracing qualities such as intuition, creativity, and empowerment. This session involves healing sexual trauma through tantra breathwork, tantric massage, contact dance, and cuddling. These practices will help you embrace sensual pleasure, release fear of intimacy, and increase the production of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that enhance mood and promote feelings of happiness.

This process includes fostering self-love, appreciating your inner and outer beauty, and deepening your spiritual practice. By aligning with the divine feminine, you can strengthen your personal power, confidence, and self-worth.

1. consultation

Starting with consultation to understand your specific needs, concerns, and goals for the session. This may involve discussing physical, emotional, or spiritual issues that you are  experiencing.

Based on the information gathered during the consultation, Freena can tailor her approach and techniques to best address your needs. And she may give you an insight on your issues. 

2. Tantra breathwork

Tantric breathwork, is rooted in the ancient practice of Tantra and aims to harness sexual energy for spiritual and personal growth.

This breath work can lead to heightened states of spiritual awareness and connection and release stored emotional tension and trauma.

tantra breathwork

3. Tantra massage for sensuality & womb healing


Tantra massage is a therapeutic and spiritual practice that combines principles from tantra with massage techniques to promote healing, relaxation, and a deeper connection to one’s body and spirit. Unlike traditional massages that primarily focus on physical relaxation and muscle tension relief, tantra massage also aims to awaken the body’s energy centers (chakras), enhance sensual awareness, and facilitate emotional and spiritual healing.

4. Goddess code activation with LAKSIMI

Goddess Code Activation with Lakshmi is a spiritual practice aimed at awakening and embodying the divine feminine energy associated with the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, prosperity, beauty, and abundance, and invoking her energy is believed to bring these qualities into one’s life. The “Goddess Code” refers to the latent spiritual and energetic codes within individuals, particularly women, that can be activated to access higher states of consciousness, personal power, and divine feminine attributes.

5. Sensual body movement

Sensual body movement refers to a type of dance or physical expression that focuses on connecting deeply with one’s body, enhancing sensual awareness, and embodying Lakshmi’s grace and beauty. It’s about moving in ways that feel good, exploring the body’s natural rhythms and flows, and embracing a sense of presence and enjoyment in the movement.


Cuddling offers numerous benefits for emotional, physical, and mental health. It fosters a sense of closeness, emotional intimacy, and trust in relationships. Additionally, cuddling provides security and emotional support, helping to alleviate feelings of loneliness, sadness, or anxiety. It also triggers the release of oxytocin, the “love hormone,” which promotes happiness, bonding, and emotional connection.


After a healing session, it’s important to reflect on any insights, realizations, or emotions that emerged, such as new understandings of yourself, behavioral patterns, or unresolved emotions. Consider any changes or shifts in physical sensations, emotional states, thought patterns, or an increased sense of clarity and peace that occurred during or after the session. Reflection allows for deeper integration of the healing experience and supports ongoing personal growth and healing.