HELLO, Greetings from Freena 🙂

As a Life Path 7—The Seeker—my journey has always been about discovering Who I truly am.

Since first asking this question in 2012, I have navigated profound transformations, including leaving my corporate job, backpacking across the world, and enduring deep spiritual crises and the dark nights of the soul. Along the way, I immersed myself in countless teachings, meditations, and healing modalities, each bringing me closer to the truth.

Ultimately, I realized that my given name—meaning Highest Wisdom and Grace—had always reflected the essence of my soul. My mission is beautifully simple: to be myself. And to be myself means to open my heart and allow the highest wisdom and grace to flow through me—so that you, too, can attune to this frequency and remember that God’s wisdom and grace have always been overflowing within you.

This ability to heal is a multidimensional gift—one that I have refined over countless lifetimes, allowing me to support others on their journey today. As a soul, I chose to embody this form at this pivotal moment in history, guided by a profound mission: to awaken souls and help co-create Heaven on Earth.

It is my honor and my soul’s deepest passion to remind you of who you truly are.✴

☣ Energetic Profile ☣


☀️ Gemini Sun – A curious and ever-evolving seeker of knowledge and truth
🌙 Cancer Moon – Deeply intuitive, emotionally nurturing, and soulfully connected
Capricorn Rising – Grounded, determined, and here to build something meaningful


🔹 Life Path 7 – The Seeker, devoted to uncovering life’s deeper truths
🔹 Soul Urge 9 – Called to guide others toward their life purpose
🔹 Destiny 3 – Following my own calling while inspiring others to do the same

Human Design

Manifesting Generator 5/1 – A multi-dimensional creator, here to innovate and lead
🔥 Sacral Authority – Guided by my inner energy and intuition


❤️ 2 of Hearts – Deep soul connections and the power of love
♠️ Ace of Spades – Transformation, awakening, and profound inner wisdom

Starseed Origin

🌌 Sirian Starseed – A cosmic traveler on a mission to uplift consciousness and help rebuild Heaven on Earth ✨

My Inner journey to awaken

Who am I ?

2014, Quitting the corporate job

After graduating from university, I entered the corporate world, but I struggled to find my place within its rigid hierarchy. I was suffocating under expectations that didn’t align with my soul.

This was not the life I had envisioned for myself.

I had spent years working tirelessly to meet the expectations of my parents and society—studying hard to get into a good university, then striving to secure a well-paying job at a prestigious company. But once I arrived, I found myself asking: What’s next? Marriage? Children? A lifetime of working to buy a house? Was this the path I was destined to follow?

Amid this uncertainty, a deeper question arose within me: Who am I—beyond who others expect me to be?

Exploring the World to Discover Myself

2015 ~ 2019, Backpacking around the world for over 4years

To truly understand what I wanted from life, I needed to witness and experience a variety of lifestyles and life paths. So, I embarked on a journey of exploration, immersing myself in different cultures and ways of living.

🌏 2015.02 – 2016.04 → Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia
🌿 2015.05 – 2017.02 → Working Holiday in Australia
🏔️ 2017.03 – 2017.08 → New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia
🌿 2018.03 – 2019.02 → Working Holiday in New Zealand

Each place, each encounter, and each experience brought me closer to understanding who I truly am beyond societal expectations. 🌟

2017, Discovering the Skies: My Love for Skydiving

During my travels in New Zealand, I tried skydiving for the first time—and instantly fell in love with it.

Since childhood, I had always dreamed of soaring through the sky. If reincarnation were real, I used to wish to be born as a bird in my next life. But the moment I experienced freefall, I realized I didn’t have to wait for another lifetime—I could fly now, as a human!

For a while, I believed this was the answer to my question, “Who am I?” (Though in the end, it wasn’t.)

Determined to take this passion further, I flew to Florida, USA, to earn my solo skydiving license. 🕊️✨

The Beginning of My Spiritual Journey

2017 – 2018: Vipassana Meditation

My spiritual journey truly began with Vipassana meditation—a profound practice that changed my life. Each 10-day course required 100 hours of deep meditation, immersing me in silence and self-discovery.

🧘‍♀️ 2017.04 → My first-ever Vipassana meditation course (New Zealand) – A life-changing initiation
🙏 2017.04 → Served a 10-day course (Argentina)
🙏 2017.06 → Served a 10-day course (Peru)
🧘‍♀️ 2018.01 → Sat a 10-day course (Korea)
🧘‍♀️ 2018.12 → Sat a 10-day course (New Zealand) 

These experiences deepened my connection with myself, marking the true beginning of my inner transformation. ✨

The power of Forgiveness & The depth of Love

One night, just after completing my first 10-day Vipassana meditation course, I had the most profound and beautiful experience of my life.

Even as I lay in bed, I remained in a deep meditative state. As I continued observing my inner world, I suddenly felt an immense, heavy energy—like a large stone—tearing out of my chest. Without understanding why, I burst into uncontrollable sobs.

Then, a memory surfaced—one I had buried for over 15 years. It was of my mother, who had cheated on my father and left our family when I was 12. The pain was overwhelming, raw, and fresh as if it had just happened.

As I relived that moment, the grief poured out of me. But then, something shifted. I saw my mother not just as my mother, but as a woman and as a human being, flawed and vulnerable, capable of making mistakes. And in that realization, my heart softened.

For the first time, I was able to forgive her. I wished her happiness, a life free from guilt. I no longer wanted her to carry the weight of my pain.

That night, I understood something profound: The depth of our pain determines the depth of our love and our capacity for forgiveness. The suffering my mother’s departure had caused me was, in the end, one of the greatest gifts of my life—it had allowed me to experience the transformative power of forgiveness.

I had never imagined I could forgive her. But in that moment, a miracle happened. It was God’s grace.

☾ Dark night of Soul

A Caterpillar’s Journey to Becoming a Butterfly; The Painful Process of Shedding Old Skin

2019, Back to Korea; A downward spiral

After my working holiday in New Zealand, I flew to the USA, determined to chase my dream of becoming a skydiving instructor. I started at a skydiving center as a parachute packer, ready to work my way up.

But life had other plans. For over five months, unexpected and relentless rain made skydiving nearly impossible. With no jumps happening, I couldn’t earn money. Slowly, my savings dwindled until I was left with no choice but to return to Korea—with only $500 in my pocket.

Back in Korea, survival became my priority. I quickly found a tiny room to rent—barely enough to live in. To make ends meet, I worked at a café in the morning and taught English at night. Just as I was trying to regain stability, COVID-19 hit, forcing me to adapt once again. With in-person teaching no longer an option, I had to figure out how to move my English lessons online.

It was one of the hardest times in my life, yet it became another lesson in resilience, adaptation, and trust in the unfolding journey. ✨

2019, Divine Encounter in the Darkest Hour

As my life spiraled downward, so did my relationships—not just romantic ones, but also those with my parents and brother. It felt as if every connection I had was crumbling, leaving me completely alone.

I felt abandoned—not just by people, but by the entire universe.

One night, in my tiny little room, overwhelmed by despair, I cried out into the emptiness:

“If there is a God or a Higher Self, how could you abandon me like this?!”

And then, something unexpected happened.

A solemn voice, calm yet powerful, answered:

“Stop crying and calm down so that I can speak to you.”

Shocked, I fell silent.

In the stillness, I suddenly became aware of my own heartbeat—loud and rhythmic, as if I were wearing a stethoscope pressed to my chest. The sound grew stronger and stronger.

Then, the voice spoke again:

“Since this heart started to beat, I have never left you. Even when you do not recognize me, I am always with you.”

Tears welled up—not from pain, but from the overwhelming realization that I was never truly alone. That night, something within me shifted. From that moment on, I felt guided toward learning about Jesus.

It was the beginning of a new chapter—one of faith, surrender, and divine connection. ✨

2022, Depression / Counselling / Back to Meditation

2021, I met a guy whom I fell in love with so quickly and had a relationship for about 6 months. This breakup has affected my life so harsh. I suffered from depression.

I started psychological counselling and got back to meditation. 

The counsellor reminded me of the breakup was related to my childhood and family relationship. When she said “It’s okay to hate your parents”, this liberated a part of myself and I felt relieved. 

I realized that I repressed my hatred, which made my anger become bigger and bigger and I became the anger itself. 

2022, Inner Child Healing Work

 One day, I was doing Mirror Gazing Meditation. I sat  in front of the mirror and looked into my eyes.

I stimulated myself to feel the hidden emotions that I have repressed on my unconscious level. 

“I was completely abandoned by my mother, emotionally abandoned by my father, unable to rely on my grandmother and older brother, and unable to share my pain with my friends. I feel abandoned by everyone!” 

Suddenly another voice inside me shouted to me. 

“Even if everyone had abandoned me, you shouldn’t have abandoned me!”

It was my wounded inner child. I realized I abandoned myself. I didn’t love myself. I was so sorry to myself. From then on, I started taking care of my inner child in earnest.

☀︎ Transformation ☀︎

2022, Deepening understanding of Buddha's teaching

2022.03 ~ 08  : Jungto Dharma School by Monk. Pomnyun

In this course, I was able to deepen my understanding of Buddhism. This course covered topics such as the life of Buddha, Buddhist doctrines (such as the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path), mindfulness meditation techniques, and practical applications of Buddhist teachings in everyday life.

2023, USUI/HOLY FIRE Reiki Training with William

2023.09 : Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Lv.I&II

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. The word “Reiki” means “spiritually guided universal life force energy”. Holy Fire Reiki is a modern form of Reiki energy healing that incorporates elements of the traditional Usui Reiki system with additional teachings and techniques. 

One day, I learned about Reiki and felt a strong sense of synchronicity about Reiki training. During the training, in my vision, all the angels and ascended masters, especially Buddha and Jesus, who have guided my spiritual journey have blessed me.

2023, Strong Feeling to Move to Bali

2023.02 :  One day, I had a strong feeling to move to Bali in a deep meditative state. 

Even though I traveled around the world for over 4years, I’ve never been to Bali. I’ve been dreaming of living in Bali for many years. But this time, the feeling was so strong. I didn’t have any specific reason why I wanted or needed to move to Bali. So I applied for The Mediation Teacher Training for an excuse to go to Bali. 

2023, 200Hrs Meditation Teacher Training

2023.11 : Meditation Teacher Training for 21 days in Ubud, Bali

This intense training speeded up my spiritual journey to the next level. I was able to experience various types of meditation and yoga such as Active Consciousness Meditation, OSHO meditations, Sufi mediation, and many more. I loved the sound healings and his profound spiritual knowledge. Most important thing was this program fostered my spiritual awakening and self-awareness. And So Much FUN!!

From Day 2 of the training, I started to feel so much energy flow through my body. My body automatically danced and did some yoga practices I’ve never learned before. I felt like I was a puppetI realized Shiva(the supreme God in Hinduism) took me over. It was just inner knowing.

Shiva help me to see the world through God’s perspective. Everything was perfect as it is imperfect. Everything was the manifestation and expression of God itself. I saw God’s face in every single person. They just forgot who they really are. They were shining like diamonds. Even the shit of the dog in the street was the God’s manifestation. Literally speaking, it was HOLY SHIT! 

I realized the world is Maya(hologram or illusion). The outer world is the reflection of my inner state. Every phenomenon is the mirror of my inner mind. Now, whenever something happens, I go into myself and get a message from it.  

After this HOLY EXPERIENCE, I thanked to Shiva. He said “I called you to come to Bali.

2024, Closing Old Cycle | Past Life Karma Clearing

2024.01 : 10 days-Vipassana Meditation course in Malaysia

After the Meditation Teacher Training, a short and intense love relationship made me understand that our actions in past lives could influence our present circumstances and experiences.

Soon after the breakup, I went for another 10 days-Vipassana course. This helped me to identify and resolve the unresolved karmic patterns or energetic imbalances originating from past lives, not only this life time. 

I was able to aware and heal my deepest root wounds, unhealthy attachment pattern, and imbalanced feminine & masculine energies within myself. This awareness helped me to close the old karmic cycle and open a new chapter of my life.

I found the answer to "Who AM I ?"

i am a soul, experiencing the 3d reality with physical body and Mind.

One day, sitting in front of the mirror, I saw the entire universe in my eyes. I realized that I created this universe. I AM bigger than the universe.

I felt like I should close these eyes, not only the physical eyes but also so-called third eye and I closed all the eyes and kept silence. 

I heard a voice saying “I AM you. You are me. And what you hear now is God’s voice, holy spirit. God is Love itself that cannot be described in any words. Just feel this.” All of a sudden, I felt so light and comfortable, as if I were a cloud.

The solemn voice said “This Love you are feeling now is God, which is your original nature. If you don’t forget this, you are always in heaven with a body or without a body, wherever you are, whatever you do.”

Even though my eyes were closed, I closed my eyes tighter. Because I was awed by the bright light as the golden light grew stronger and brighter. It was as dazzling as a thousand suns shining at the same time.

I realized that nothing is important but this great Love and I don’t need anything or to do anything, but being. The only thing God wants from me is to enjoy my life sharing this great Love and find something that I can fall in love.