Holistic energy healing is a form of alternative medicine that operates on the principle that the body, mind, emotions, and spirit are interconnected and that imbalances or blockages in the energy systems can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments. 

Freena often tailors her approach to the individual needs of their clients, combining different techniques ( Holy-Fire Reiki, Crystal Healing, Aura Field Massage ) to achieve the best results. This energy healing aims to clear any blockages or stagnant energy in your system and enhance the body’s natural healing processes. 

Once your energy system is ready based on the healing process, it’s easy to restore the natural flow of your Life-Force, or Prana, and download God’s Frequency during the process of Meditation In God’s LOVE.

Unresolved issues or traumas from childhood can continue to affect us into adulthood, influencing our behaviors, emotions, and relationships. Inner child is metaphorically understood as the part of ourselves that holds memories, emotions, and beliefs from our formative years, typically from infancy to adolescence. These experiences shape our self-concept, coping mechanisms, and patterns of relating to others. Inner Child Healing aims to bring awareness to these past wounds, provide nurturing and healing, and ultimately foster self-compassion and personal growth.

With years of experiencing Inner Child healing on her own, Freena is an expert on this topic. What is special about her session is that she combines energy healing as well as psycho therapeutic inner child work. Integrating energy healing with therapeutic inner child work provides a comprehensive approach to healing that addresses both emotional and energetic aspects, leading to profound personal transformation and well-being.

Awakening the goddess within you aims at reconnecting with your inner divine feminine energy and embracing qualities such as intuition, creativity, and empowerment. This session involves healing sexual trauma through tantra breathwork, tantric massage, contact dance, and cuddling. These practices will help you embrace sensual pleasure, release fear of intimacy, and increase the production of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that enhance mood and promote feelings of happiness.

This process includes fostering self-love, appreciating your inner and outer beauty, and deepening your spiritual practice. By aligning with the divine feminine, you can strengthen your personal power, confidence, and self-worth.

Receiving abundance in God’s love involves opening yourself to divine grace, blessings, and the unconditional love that God offers. It is about trusting in divine provision and believing that God has wonderful plans for your life. This session may help you to open your heart to receive your abundance in every area of your life, to fill you with peace, joy, and love, and to receive divine guidance on using God’s blessings to serve others.

Imagine your mind and spirit as a cup filled with dirt. To gain clarity in your life, simply pouring clean water into this cup takes time and may not be very effective. Instead, a faster approach is to stir the cup, remove the chunks of dirt, and then pour in the clean water.

Suppressed emotions often settle as long-lasting blockages in the lower chakras, which can impede the flow of life-force energy, or Prana. Therefore, the first step is to clear these blockages. Once the emotional and energetic obstacles are addressed, reconnecting to your Highest Self and restoring the flow of Prana becomes much easier and more effective. 

When Prana flows harmoniously within you, it empowers your manifestations by aligning your energy with your goals. As your energy becomes balanced and vibrant, your ability to attract and achieve your desires strengthens, making your manifestations more powerful and effective.